How to Prevent Winter Pest Infestations

12 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog


In the winter, the freezing cold weather can encourage pests to seek refuge in warmer areas, of which your house is often the most available option. A pest infestation in the winter can be especially problematic since you spend an increased amount of time inside as well, increasing the risk of becoming ill due to exposure to pests. Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do before the snow falls to prevent a pest infestation from developing.

Outdoor Cleaning

You should clean up around your house to make it harder for pests to find an entrance into your home. This means clearing away debris from the walls and foundation of your home in order to spot any signs of damage that could create an opening for rodents and bugs to squirm their way into your house. If you do find any cracks or holes, you should contact a contractor immediately to have them patched up. Furthermore, you should trim back the shrubs and trees which may overhang your roof, as they can provide an easy pathway for squirrels, raccoons, and other rodents to climb onto your roof and find a way into your attic.

Seal Organic Matter

You should make an effort to properly seal up any materials which could prove to be a food source to potential pests. This means taking down bird feeders and other such installations, and putting things like pet food, fertilizer, and grass seed into containers that can be locked securely. Further, if you do not already, you should invest in garbage and compost containers that can be locked, as your food waste is a prime attractant for larger pests.

Roof and Chimney

Besides simply trimming back overhanging trees, you should get up on your roof and inspect for signs of damage. This could take the form of missing shingles, damaged flashing around the chimney or attic vents, or even crumbling masonry. If any of these things are present, you should get in contact with a roofing professional immediately.

Furthermore, you should inspect your chimney if you have one to make sure that it is securely sealed. Check the chimney cap to see if it is solidly in place and undamaged, as if it is damaged or removed, birds and rodents can make their nest in your chimney. Look up the chimney and ensure that the flue is properly closed: besides being a second layer to keep pests out, it also acts as an extra layer of heating insulation for your home and helps cut down your energy bills. 

To learn more ways to get rid of pests, contact companies like Frontier Exterminating Company.