3 Reasons To Outsource Your Commercial Pest Control

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Whether you have a small business in its infancy or you own a thriving company with an established customer base, one detail that you need to consider is how you want to handle your company's pest control. Though it's tempting to reduce costs by doing your own pest control, there are multiple benefits to hiring a company with experience in commercial pest control. Check out a few of the advantages of outsourcing your commercial pest needs.

1. A Pro Can Spot Problematic Areas

If it feels like your company is constantly struggling with pests, there may be an underlying issue contributing to the frequent outbreaks. Unfortunately, many mistakes go undetected by individuals struggling to perform their own amateur pest control.

For example, if your business struggles with mosquitoes, you probably know that you need to eliminate standing water on your property. You may not know that damp soil and plants can also attract mosquitoes to your company's outside spaces.

A pro will identify these less obvious issues and offer solutions that work for your business, such as replacing moisture-loving plants with species that require less water to thrive.

2. It's Easy to Customize the Service to Your Needs

Each business has its own distinct pest control needs. A bed and breakfast may need to ward off a host of invaders, like bed bugs, termites, ants, and roaches, while a golf course is more likely to have issues with rodents or flying insects. 

When attempting pest control on your own, you may not know what products you need or how much of each product you need. Should you stick with a spray insecticide, or are there advantages to using granules? Do you need to use a fogger for areas with a lot of pests? Instead of trying to figure out the details of your pest control plan on your own, have a pest control service take of these details.

Your technician will discuss your needs and concerns with to craft a plan that works for your needs. You can also explore alternative treatment options, such as products that are safe for areas frequented by pets.

3. Preventive Services Reduce the Likelihood of an Infestation

Many business owners make the mistake of utilizing pest control only when they have an issue. By the time a pest issue is present, it will take more time, money, and effort to get the infestation under control.

A preventive service decreases the chance of a full-blown infestation. Any infestations that do occur should be less severe, thanks to the preventive measures of your pest control team.