The Tale Of The Pissant: Info & Cool Facts To Know

23 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog


They may show up every summer. They sometimes come inside the house in droves and seemingly try to take over. They are tiny and difficult to see. They are pissants, and they can be a real pain for anyone who has them. Google the phrase "get rid of pissants," and you're likely going to get all kinds of home remedies to keep these buggers out of the house. Unfortunately, these tiny members of the ant family are far harder to eradicate than just rubbing windowsills with a dryer sheet or sitting out a cup of apple cider vinegar. Here are a few things you should know about these insects if you have a pissant infestation. 

Yes, pissant is a real name, and it's OK to use the term

The word pissant was derived from another word for ants in the 14th century: pismires. Many people assume that the term pissant is sort-of a derogatory term for these insects since the word can be used to describe something of insignificance. However, certain types of ants were actually called pissants because they had an odor something akin to urine. If you have to call an ant control service company because you have an ant problem, it is perfectly OK and proper to let them know you have a pissant problem. They'll get it, and there's nothing wrong about using the term. 

Pissants often build nests near homes

When you look at your house from the ant's perspective, it is like a magic kingdom filled with food, water, shelter, and all kinds of goodies. Just imagine: an ant walking through a child's bedroom would feel a bit like it is in a place like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Since human homes offer so many resources, it is typical for these ants to nest near homes. Most have small sandhills on the ground, in the grass, or in the crawlspace.  

You can kill them, but they will keep on coming

Once a drove of pissants figure out a way to get into your home, the fun (on their end) never really ends. They will continue to invade, and one colony may follow another colony if they suspect there are good food sources available. You can kill these little ants until you see no more, but they will be back unless you take the proper steps to fully eradicate the problem from your home. Contact a pest control company in your area for more information.