Removing A Skunk From Under Your House Or Off Your Property

11 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog


As people build houses closer to wood lines and undeveloped areas, interactions with wildlife become more common. A wild skunk that wanders into your yard and decides to make a home under your house or on the property can be a problem, but wild skunk removal is possible, and the animal does not have to die in the process. 

Wild Animal Removal Services

When you have an issue with an animal on your property, you may need some help and a solution that does not harm the animal but resolves the issue. A skunk under your home can become a huge problem. However, there are animal removal services that offer skunk removal that can help.

These removal services work to catch the animal in a cage that keeps them alive and relocate them to an area where they can live without coming into contact with people. A skunk removal must be done carefully, and if the skunk under your home or on your property has babies, they need to go with the mother to survive. 

Trapping And Relocation

If you have a recurring issue with a skunk on your property, having an animal removal service come and trap it is often the best solution. Completely humane traps allow the animal to be moved without hurting them while ensuring they are far enough away from your home to keep them from returning.

A trap is set in an area where the skunk is traveling and is baited with food to draw them in. Once the skunk steps into the trap, it will close behind them, holding them until they are released. It is essential that once the trap is closed, the skunk removal service takes the skunk from the area and releases them quickly so that they do not get hurt or experience too much stress if they are going to survive. 

Relocating the skunk to an area where there is water, food, and very few homes is vital for their well-being, and most removal services have locations that they use to release the skunk that meet all their needs.

If the skunk is up under your home, the process can be a little more complicated, and there is a chance that they will spray when caught, so the skunk removal service may try and lure them out and trap them in the yard away from the house. If you see a skunk in the trap, call the removal service and stay away from the skunk so you don't scare them or cause stress that could result in you or a family member getting sprayed.