The Importance of Calling a Pest Control Service If Your Pets Brought Ticks into the House

25 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog


As a pet owner, it is important to be aware of the pests that your pets may bring into the house. One of the most common pests that pets bring inside are ticks. Ticks are small insects that can carry diseases that can be harmful not only to your pets but also to humans. If you find ticks in your house, it is important to call a pest control service immediately. 

Professional Inspection
A pest control service will conduct a professional inspection to determine the extent of the tick infestation. If ticks are found in your house, they will develop a plan to get rid of them. A professional pest control service has the necessary equipment and knowledge to safely and effectively remove ticks from your home. They will also check if other areas of your house might also have a tick infestation.

Prevent Disease Transmission
Ticks can carry harmful diseases that can be transmitted to both humans and animals. The most common tick-borne diseases are Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These diseases can cause severe health problems such as fever, fatigue, joint pain, and even death. A pest control service can effectively eliminate ticks from your house, which will lower the risk of disease transmission.

Professional Tick Removal
Trying to remove ticks from your pet or your house by yourself can be dangerous. If you don't remove the tick correctly, you can leave the head embedded in the skin. Leaving the head can lead to the spread of infection, especially if the tick carries a disease. A pest control service can safely and effectively remove ticks from your pet and your home.

Tick Prevention
A pest control service can also help you prevent future tick infestations. They will provide advice on how you can reduce tick activity in your yard, such as regularly mowing your lawn and trimming overgrown shrubs. They can also recommend specific tick prevention products that you can use on your pets to keep them safe from ticks.

Calling a pest control service is important if your pets bring ticks into your house. A professional pest control service can effectively eliminate ticks from your home, prevent disease transmission, safely remove ticks from your pets, provide tick prevention advice, and give you peace of mind that your house is free from ticks. Don't hesitate to call a pest control service if you suspect that your house has a tick infestation.

Learn more about pest control services near you today.